Thursday, April 16, 2009

The beginning.

I am creating this blog to express my political view. I am fully aware that this information can be used against me in the future. Anything electronic published can be archived and used by any government, local power, or corporation (like Google) that has gain a foot hold over our lives. There is a real danger to this. As of this time Google is saving my words, calculating how to present this on it's search engine, and in turn, make a profit. It is this automation that worries me.
I am not a linguist, nor is my grammar/spelling/sentence structure up to par. Blogging is not journalism, and I am not a journalist. Yet, I have views that I need to off load. Please do not credit yourself with my thoughts, and in turn, I will not credit myself with yours. Share the thought.

My political views (at this time) is a mix of Libertarian with a touch of conservatism. This is probably viewed as "hard-line" right wing psychopath, by the left. Some of my view may also appear XXXX-ist. I will write about XXXX from time to time. (XXXX being, race, sex etc) Any attempt to be "fair" will be deemed patronizing by those who do not share my view. For that, there are legions of people who will "fight" for the cause against "oppressive" people like myself.