Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama and his new communist dictator friends

First Obama kisses Fidel's ass.... (right here gringo),
then Hugo's (over here gringo)....

I cannot even explain this mess. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blogging is for amateurs

Blogging is such a waste of time. It is even worse when your mastery of the English language is akin to a Big Mac, grounded up horsemeat with special sauce. What makes this even sadder, is that I was born in this country (no, not Sweden)

Government Policy based on your Medical Record

The NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007, also known as to the gun toter as the "Veterans Disarmament Act" talks about psycho-random killers and adding all sorts of provisions to owning a handgun. Basically, if you are / were mental, no squirt gun for you. Information was also collected on veteran medical records.
All gun violence has now been thwarted, except in the hood, where social situations gets you a "Get Out of Jail, Free" Card. (This card can be sold too)

What makes this bill important, is the "internetizing" of the citizens (legal or illegal) medical records. Obama is pushing hard for universal health care, and the electronic delivery of such. For the power hungry liberal, this is a golden opportunity to tweak the system that much more. Actually, for any power hungry (pick you party), this is golden.
We can create laws based on your medical records. Yeh!!!

This movie may help.

Liberalism, a religion to conquer them all

L. Ron Hubbard invented a wonderful religion / cult, with Hollywood superstar spoke persons and a contempt for anything that contradicts or criticizes.
This sound exactly like liberalism. (Liberal would say the same for conservatives).
Most conservatives tend to be religious, so you have a distinct separation of political thought and spiritual need. Religion can be political, the bigger the religion the more lobbyist we endure.
As such, conservatism and standard western religions are somewhat seen as one in the same.

Liberalism on the other hand, is too, distinctly separated from religion. But, liberals will never want to get religion mixed with the march against oppression. It doesn't serve their needs. There are many who are religious and liberal. (Many say Jesus was a liberal, but Jesus dealt with people who had no chose but to work for a living , or die. The Romans were not handing out sympathy checks. No one will say Mohammad was liberal).

Liberalism comes about when traditional living is enhanced and surpassed with non-religious community obligation.

Traditional living is religion-based. It acts a bridge between those how can produce and those how cannot. It tries to keep the producers humble, and the needy proud. This bridge is always kept open with tolls. These tolls are paid with cash and loyalty. At times, religion fails. The producers have the basic instinctual need to be recognized, and the needy want more.
In modern times the needy not only want more, but demand the same level respect of the producer.
This is where liberalism steps in. How do we make the needy proud without loyalty? This is the naive goal of liberalism. But, power liberals have the instinctual need to be recognized too. Having loyalty of the needy helps, but should not be required. Liberals are the non-religious clergy.
As we can see with the Roman Catholic Church, Sunni Muslims, Taoist, Buddhist and all the like, the bridge keeper corrupts, and Liberalism is non immune.

Liberalism power base is government. Government has the money to fund projects. And no project is more important than human suffering. For thousands of years human suffering was passed off to religion. The clergy appeal to the producers to "give", and in turn "God" will reward you. With liberalism, there is no appealing. Liberals with government power never have to appeal. They use force, when dealing with producers. And it is this force that gives them a power that traditional religion never directly had. Only those against liberalism, (conservatives with their religion) oppose.

Liberalism didn't start out like this. It was all about the human suffering, and how to alleviate the problem. Political though came about, new rules on how to be (many based on religion) and a new way help the needy. As such, liberals in governement fund the 'needy' with taxes, and those who support the Liberal way, fully support paying taxes to the government.

The religious power of Liberalism is the strongest single force man has every dealt with.

Recruitment and conversion is an important part of Liberalism. It is taught in schools, and it has the majority of media outlets. It belittles one religion against the other, one culture against the other. In the end, it is about converting, to one thought, one policy. It teaches tolerance, but has no tolerance for those who do not agree with it's teachings. It encourages individualism without responsibility, the producers will pay for the irresponsible.

Only when full power is achieved, will the original goal of alleviate human suffering be tossed, and full control will be achieved. Individualism is no longer an issue since liberals understand your suffering more then you. Liberalism becomes Communism, and traditional religion is removed along with it's conservative base.

Obama to US tax payers : Pay the ransom or your captain will be killed

Obama ordering the death of the pirates reminds me of the ransom we pay to the US / state Governments . Without our endless tribute to those who understand how to spend it better, we would not have redundant social programs and ineffective policing that keeps us safe at night. I use to think of it as 'social insurance'. As a homeowner, my taxes go off to the local (NYC) government, where in turn they provide services.
Sadly, many of these services are basically a re-distribution of wealth. Putting cash into the hands of citizens (those able body, and those who truly have no means). The lazy able body, and the truly foolish (that's my baby's dad) are kept at bay, so the rest of us (able body and employed) can move their lives and country along. Housing, food, medical, legal rights etc, paid by the taxes payers. It is sad that those who truly cannot pay their way, are in the same cesspool of those who take advantage.

This ransom, payed everyday, by the producers of this country is designed to keep the petty greedy in their neighborhoods and in their place. The liberals in this country need to keep them in their place. It is a source of political power, and perpetuates the 'oppression'. Why work for money if the tax payers are going to give it to me?

The US is spearheading the UN to make it illegal to pay a pirate's ransom. The idea is, if you curtail this form of easy income, then the pirates will have to go back to work.

Imaging if we didn't pay our ransom?

Taxes are needed ito pay for national defense, roads, and public works. And to this I agree. Next time you get your paystub, please think about where your deductions are going, and how it is spent.

The beginning.

I am creating this blog to express my political view. I am fully aware that this information can be used against me in the future. Anything electronic published can be archived and used by any government, local power, or corporation (like Google) that has gain a foot hold over our lives. There is a real danger to this. As of this time Google is saving my words, calculating how to present this on it's search engine, and in turn, make a profit. It is this automation that worries me.
I am not a linguist, nor is my grammar/spelling/sentence structure up to par. Blogging is not journalism, and I am not a journalist. Yet, I have views that I need to off load. Please do not credit yourself with my thoughts, and in turn, I will not credit myself with yours. Share the thought.

My political views (at this time) is a mix of Libertarian with a touch of conservatism. This is probably viewed as "hard-line" right wing psychopath, by the left. Some of my view may also appear XXXX-ist. I will write about XXXX from time to time. (XXXX being, race, sex etc) Any attempt to be "fair" will be deemed patronizing by those who do not share my view. For that, there are legions of people who will "fight" for the cause against "oppressive" people like myself.